Today’s Tease…Tamsin Baker

Welcome! Pull up a seat and enjoy a chat with Today’s Tease Tamsin Baker

Your Name or Pen Name you use:  Tamsin Baker

Title of the book you are promoting:  Eternal Hearts, Book 1 in the Third Bite Series.

 Link to purchase your Book:

Genre:  Erotic Romance, Historical (Regency), Menage (MMF), Vampire.

Welcome  TB…I, LH have some questions for you 😉

LH: I wanted to be a ballerina, race car driver and a private detective when I was little. What did you want to be when you grew up?

TB: An English teacher, a Nanny or an obstetrician.

LH: I didn’t really have a literary influence, I just decided one day to start writing. Who influenced you in your writing career?

TB: I was the same. I always read romance but I just thought, ‘I can do this.’

LH: I self published all of my books and was then “discovered” by a publisher. Are you an Indie or published author?

TB: Published, no Indie works yet. I have published stories with Evernight Publishing and Secret Cravings, and contracts with Rouge Phoenix Press, Steam eReads and Clan Destine press.

LH: I personally think that there is way too much sex and violence everywhere in society these days and it’s everywhere but that Hollywood is one of the biggest contributors.  Do you think that society as a whole is subjected to too much sex and violence and are you concerned about it? Ever feel conflicted and if so, why?

TB: I think it’s the message that’s behind it that is the problem. Too much violence- absolutely, and is it acceptable? NO!

Sex, I don’t mind so much but again, it the message that it’s acceptable to have whenever or with whoever that most concerns me.

LH: I’m a huge softy and by no means a beauty queen… lol but, I truly would want world peace in the blink of an eye if I could make it happen…If you could change one thing in the world, in the blink of an eye, what would it be?

TB: World Peace definitely works for me, though, no abuse, rape or hunger would be my wish.

LH: With the traditional bookstore becoming obsolete and everyone turning to buying books online, I don’t buy the hype that “the cover is everything”. How important do you think book covers are now that almost all shopping is done online?

TB: Oh, I love covers! They are usually the first thing I look at and they do draw me in, but I always read the excerpt before I buy anything. So, although they are a draw card, they aren’t everything.

LH: I can remember wanting to write as a kid. I got a really late start! Have you always wanted to write and when did you start?

TB: I wrote in high school. Poetry mostly. But I started writing stories about 5 years ago- so I was 25. (Which gives me the next 50 years to write 😉

LH: I love to see if I can see myself in a character. What interests you most about a story?

TB: Hmmm, if I can get an emotional response from myself. Tears, tight chest,  a laugh. Or… the typical erotic response by my body. If you can get yourself, you’ll get others.

LH: For me, I just get hit with this whole movie in my head and start writing. How do you come up with your stories?   

TB: Usually I start to see a scene like I’m watching a movie. (not copying you I promise) With this book, I saw Nathaniel feeding in an alley way and his lovers smoky voice drifting out of the darkness. I feel like I have no control over it and have to write it down before the characters move too far along in their story and I am left behind.

LH: I can’t tell you or I’d have to…lol Are you working on anything now?                                                                            

TB: Always. I’m finishing a contemporary m/m submission for the Evernight Anthology and I’m half way through my second ménage shifter book 🙂

LH: I’m working on #6…3 are published and the other 3 are due out this year… How many books have you written? How many have been published?            

TB: Ahh, I have two pen names, One sweet and then this one. In total I have 22 contracts and am waiting on 3 more submissions. Only 7 are published so far, so the next year is going to be busy.

LH: I write for fun I don’t even dream of riches…Do you write for fun or money?

TB: Fun, totally. I have a full time job too. Although it would be awesome to make enough money to pay for my kids education, or something like that, I write because I have to- it keeps me sane and happy.

LH: Some of my family members had a bit of a problem with me writing my first book “A Beautiful Liar” because the character Maggie West is basically me…to a point 😉 They had a problem with the genre and me “putting it all out there” so to speak so I took a pen name. They eventually came around as I have never cared who knows who I am what I’ve done or what they think of me. I’ve never wanted to be famous, just infamous! What has been your biggest problem when it comes to family or friends when writing?

TB: Hmmm, as I said, I have 2 pen names and this is the secret one. I’m open about the sweeter one and people still find it strange. When I talk to some of my acquaintances about my hotter stuff- Tamsin stuff- some people are put off- especially as I LOVE m/m. Hubby supports me but worries about the impact on our kids later in life, so I keep it on the hush hush.

Also! People that read my hot stuff assume I take it all from real life- SERIOUSLY??? I write about ménage vampires! People annoy me sometimes.

LH: I have never experienced writers block…I have experienced writers “don’t want to”… Have you ever experienced writers block and if so, how did you overcome it?

TB: Only on one of my sweet ones- I wrote all three vamp ménages before I finished one short sweet story. You can tell where my passion lies can’t you?

Thanks for the great interview TB…Now… for the fun stuff!

Favorite Beverage? Pepsi max (shoot me! It’s toxic but I LOVE it.)

Exercise or Bubble Bath? Are you kidding? BUBBLE BATH!

Favorite Color? Pink

Take out or Dine in? Hmmm, if we have baby sitters, dine out.

Camping or Hotel? Hotel

Sports or Chocolate? Chocolate!

Dogs or Cats? Dogs

Favorite Food? Chocolate

Sex or Chocolate? (The answer “Both” is totally acceptable 😉 chocolate during sex 😉

Thanks for spending this time with us. Make sure to pick up your copy of Tamsin Baker’s

 Eternal Hearts, Book 1 in the Third Bite Series.



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Filed under "AT" Author Tease Readings

One response to “Today’s Tease…Tamsin Baker

  1. Excellent interview!

    The Sisters of Little Or No Mercy would be shocked -shocked!- at that cover.

    Then they’d peek through their fingers at it for awhile.

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